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Q14: Question – Paper 6 – June 2018
Q14: Question – Paper 6 – June 2018
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a) Standard bricks have dimensions 21.5cm by 10.3cm by 6.5cm, correct to 1 decimal place.
A house is built using 4663 standard bricks.
Joslin says
a) Standard bricks have dimensions 21.5cm by 10.3cm by 6.5cm, correct to 1 decimal place.
A house is built using 4663 standard bricks.
Joslin says
"Placed end to end, the bricks from the house would definitely reach over 1km."
Show that Joslin’s statement is correct.
[4 marks]
b) A standard brick should weigh 2.8kg, correct to 1 decimal place.
A truck can carry a maximum load of 20 tonnes.
i) Calculate the maximum number of standard bricks that the truck should be able to carry.
[3 marks]
ii) Explain why your answer to (b)(i) may not be possible to achieve.
[1 mark]