Paper 1 H - SAMPLE SET 1 Q3
3) Microorganisms cause infections.
The human body has many ways of defending itself against microorganisms.
3.1) Describe two ways the body prevents the entry of microorganisms. [2 marks]
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3.2) In 2014 the Ebola virus killed almost 8 000 people in Africa.
Drug companies have developed a new drug to treat Ebola.
Explain what testing must be done before this new drug can be used to treat people. [6 marks]
(Total for Question 3 = 8 marks)
The human body has many ways of defending itself against microorganisms.
3.1) Describe two ways the body prevents the entry of microorganisms. [2 marks]
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3.2) In 2014 the Ebola virus killed almost 8 000 people in Africa.
Drug companies have developed a new drug to treat Ebola.
Explain what testing must be done before this new drug can be used to treat people. [6 marks]
(Total for Question 3 = 8 marks)