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Fractions: Quiz 11 - Answers
Fractions: Quiz 11 - Answers
1) 60
2) £5
3) 36 ml
4) 350 g
5) 72
6) £3,600
7) 30 g
8) 18
2) £5
3) 36 ml
4) 350 g
5) 72
6) £3,600
7) 30 g
8) 18
Complete all of the questions in this quiz without a calculator.
1) What is 3/5 of 100?
2) What is a tenth of £50?
3) What is 4/7 of 63 ml?
4) What is 7/9 of 450 g?
5) What is 9/11 of 88?
6) What is 4/5 of £4,500?
7) What is 1/12 of 360 g?
8) What is 3/13 of 78?