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3.2 F) Converting Decimals into Percentages
3.2 F) Converting Decimals into Percentages
We are able to convert decimals into percentages by multiplying our decimal by 100; we do the opposite to what we were doing when we were converting percentages into decimals, which was divide by 100.
Example 1
What is 0.78 as a percentage?
We multiply 0.78 by 100 to get the value as a percentage. When we are multiplying by 100, we move the decimal point two places towards the right.
What is 0.78 as a percentage?
We multiply 0.78 by 100 to get the value as a percentage. When we are multiplying by 100, we move the decimal point two places towards the right.
This means that 0.78 as a percentage is 78%.
Example 2
What is 0.053 as a percentage? We obtain our percentage by multiplying by 100, which gives us 5.3%.
What is 0.053 as a percentage? We obtain our percentage by multiplying by 100, which gives us 5.3%.
Example 3
What is 5.932 as a percentage? We multiply 5.932 by 100 to give us 593.2%.
What is 5.932 as a percentage? We multiply 5.932 by 100 to give us 593.2%.
Final Comment
A decimal that is positive and less than 1 will give you a percentage that is less than 100%. We saw in our first example that 0.78 was less than 1 and it was equal to 78%, which is less than 100%.
A decimal or integer that is greater than 1 will give you a percentage that is greater than 100%. We saw this in our final example where we saw 5.932 was converted into 593.2%.
A decimal that is positive and less than 1 will give you a percentage that is less than 100%. We saw in our first example that 0.78 was less than 1 and it was equal to 78%, which is less than 100%.
A decimal or integer that is greater than 1 will give you a percentage that is greater than 100%. We saw this in our final example where we saw 5.932 was converted into 593.2%.