1) Density = mass ÷ volume
2) Factor 1: what the substance is made out of
Factor 2: how the particles are arranged
3) 1 ml = 1 cm3
4) Measure the mass of the object by using a mass balance
Fill a eureka can up to the spout and put an empty beaker underneath the spout
Lower the object gently into the water in the eureka can
The object will displace some of the water resulting in water running down the spout and into the beaker
Measure the volume of water that has been displaced (1 ml is equal to 1 cm3) – this is equal to the volume of the irregular object
We then work out the density by dividing the mass by the volume
5) We measure the mass of a liquid by placing an empty beaker onto a mass balance and pressing 0 to make this mass 0. We then pour in a certain volume of the liquid (like 50 ml) into the beaker on the mass balance and measure the mass. We then divide the mass of the liquid (measured from the mass balance) and the volume of the liquid (which is 50 cm3 for my example) to get the density of the liquid
1) Write down the calculation for working out density. Also, write the formula triangle.
2) What are the two factors that affect the density of a substance?
3) 1 ml is how many cubic centimetres?
4) How can we work out the density of an irregular object? Write a fair amount.
5) How can we work out the density of a liquid? Write a fair amount.